Cântăre Life is a churchVizualizări: 134
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:03:04 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/1617-life-is-a-church]Life is a church[/url]
Watching the surf cover up my toes
Breathing the salt air from the coast.
Ten years old with my eyes pressed closed.
Life is a church.
Remembering first love’s tender kiss.
Mourning the loss of my innocence,
The bittersweet taste of it on my lips.
Life is a church.
These are the sacraments.
This is the altar.
Love is the spirit
Making the blue planet turn.
Life is a church.
Watching my baby being born
Written all over you, pain and joy
Holding your hand, it’s a little boy.
Ashes to ashes, earth to earth.
The preacher throws in the first handful of dirt.
My little boy asks me, “Does goodbye always hurt?”
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meniu primEl este ca un pom sădit lângă un izvor de apă, care îşi dă rodul la vremea lui şi ale cărui frunze nu se veştejesc: tot ce începe, duce la bun sfârşit.