Cântăre Going HomeVizualizări: 130
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:03:52 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/1826-going-home]Going Home[/url]
Many times in my childhood when we'd traveled so far,
By nightfall how weary I'd grow;
Father's arms would slip 'round me,
So gently he'd say,
"My child, we're going home."
R: Going home, I'm going home,
There's nothing to hold me here;
Well, I've caught a glimpse of that heavenly land,
Praise God, I'm going home.
Now the twilight is fading and the day soon shall end;
I get homesick the farther I roam;
But my Father has led me each step of the way,
And now we're going home.
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meniu primVoi însă nu mai sunteţi pământeşti, ci duhovniceşti, dacă Duhul lui Dumnezeu locuieşte în adevăr în voi. Dacă n-are cineva Duhul lui Hristos, nu este al Lui.