Cântăre I am the broken vasel.
Vizualizări: 131
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3317-i-am-the-broken-vasel]I am the broken vasel.[/url]
I am the broken vessel,
And you are Lord , The Potter,
I want to live forever.
With You my Lord in heaven.
You are my Lord, My God,
You mold me in your hands
You are my Lord, My God,
You gave me life on earth.
I am the dust from Eden,
You molded me in your hand
You set me in that garden ,
To live on earth like heaven.
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meniu primFerește-te de basmele lumeși și băbești. Caută să fii evlavios. ( 1 Timotei 4:7 )