Cântăre Joyful Meeting in Glory

Scrisa de: +Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 147
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3600-joyful-meeting-in-glory]Joyful Meeting in Glory[/url]

1. Tell me, watchman, oh, what of the morning

Do you see as the mist clears away?

We behold in its splendor the dawning

Of a bright and glorious day.

R: We shall all gather home in the morning,

When the mist from the hills clears away;

And it seems I can see by the dawning,

That we’re nearing the end of the way.

2. From the mountain of pure inspiration,

See the gleam of eternity rise;

With the holy in sweet convocation

We shall soon unite in praise.

3. ’Mid the rapturous glories of heaven,

On immortal and beautiful plane,

All the ransomed will joyfully gather,

Nevermore to part again.

4. Hallelujah! How blessed the meeting,

When we gather with Jesus at home;

In the kingdom of love what a greeting

Of the saints around the throne!

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