Cântăre I Will, I Will!
Vizualizări: 149
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3636-i-will-i-will]I Will, I Will![/url]
1. Oh, will you count the cost today?
Oh, will you leave your sinful way?
I will, I will.
Oh, will you bear the cross for Him?
Oh, will you start the prize to win?
I will, I will.
I’ll give up sin, the prize to win,
And meekly bear the cross for Him,
I will, I will.
2. Oh, will you count the cost today?
Oh, will you walk the narrow way?
I will, I will.
Oh, will you persecutions bear,
And fight a starry crown to wear?
I will, I will.
3. Oh, will you count the cost today?
Oh, will you come without delay?
I will, I will.
Will you give up the world this hour,
And prove His mighty saving pow’r?
I will, I will.
4. Oh, will you count the cost today?
Despite what men and demons say?
I will, I will.
Oh, will you stand with Christ alone,
The Rock of Truth and Corner Stone?
I will, I will.
5. Oh, will you count the cost today?
Oh, will you speak and sing and pray?
I will, I will.
Oh, will you read the word He’s giv’n,
And do His will as ’tis is heav’n?
I will, I will.
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Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primCăci cine iubește viața, și vrea să vadă zile bune, să-și înfrâneze limba de la rău, și buzele de la cuvinte înșelătoare. ( 1 Petru 3:10 )