Cântăre In the Shadow of the Cross

Scrisa de: +Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 144
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3674-in-the-shadow-of-the-cross]In the Shadow of the Cross[/url]

1. In the shadow of the cross let me hide,

There the Savior for my sins bled and died;

There the precious, cleansing fount

Flows so free from Calv’ry’s mount,

In the shadow of the cross let me hide.

* Refrain:

In the shadow of the cross I will rest,

For with everlasting peace I am blest;

Here I dwell in love unknown,

Streaming down from heaven’s throne,

In the shadow of the cross I will rest.

2. In the shadow of the cross, blessed place!

Living only for the Lord, by His grace;

What He says I’ll gladly do,

Ever standing firm and true,

In the shadow of the cross, blessed place!

3. In the shadow of the cross, safe retreat,

Ever sitting lowly at Jesus’ feet;

While His presence is so near

I shall never, never fear,

In the shadow of the cross, safe retreat.

4. In the shadow of the cross, here I meet,

In communion with my Lord, oh, how sweet!

And my soul is borne above,

While I revel in His love,

In the shadow of the cross, here I meet!

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