Cântăre In His Steps
Vizualizări: 131
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3682-in-his-steps]In His Steps[/url]
1. Are you walking where the Master’s feet have trod?
In His steps, blessed steps;
Is your life and all now hid with Christ in God?
In His steps, blessed steps.
R: In His steps, blessed steps,
Do you meekly follow Jesus every day?
In His steps, blessed steps,
Do you meekly follow Jesus all the way?
2. Are you walking in the highway of the King?
In His steps, blessed steps;
When the cares of life surround you, can you sing?
In His steps, blessed steps.
3. Do you travel where His blessings ever fall?
In His steps, blessed steps;
Do you hear the gentle Spirit sweetly call?
In His steps, blessed steps.
4. Are you walking where no sin can e’er betide?
In His steps, blessed steps;
High above this world with Jesus crucified?
In His steps, blessed steps.
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meniu primFemeile, de asemenea, să fie cinstite, neclevetitoare, cumpătate, credincioase în toate lucrurile. ( 1 Timotei 3:11 )