Cântăre In Gethsemane Alone
Vizualizări: 140
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3683-in-gethsemane-alone]In Gethsemane Alone[/url]
1. Oh, what wondrous love I see,
Freely shown for you and me,
By the One Who did atone!
Just to show His matchless grace,
Jesus suffered for the race,
In Gethsemane, alone.
* Refrain:
Oh, what love, matchless love,
Oh, what love for me was shown!
His forever I will be,
For the love He gave to me,
When He suffered all alone.
2. "Tarry here," He told the three,
"Tarry here and watch for Me,"
But they heard no bitter moan;
For the three disciples slept
While my loving Savior wept
In Gethsemane, alone.
3. Long in anguish deep was He,
Weeping there for you and me,
For our sin to Him was known;
We should love Him evermore
For the anguish that He bore
In Gethsemane, alone.
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meniu primFiți și voi îndelung răbdători, întăriți-vă inimile, căci venirea Domnului este aproape. ( Iacov 5:8 )