Cântăre I Have a Home

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3820-i-have-a-home]I Have a Home[/url]

1. I have a home prepared for me,

A mansion bright across the sea;

And when I pass to yon bright shore,

I’ll dwell with Christ forevermore.

R; I’ll live for Him till life shall end,

Then on my pinions I’ll ascend

To that bright home, where all is fair,

And take my starry crown to wear.

2. I have a home in heav’n above,

Where all is pure and perfect love;

A home where sin can never be,

Where all is perfect purity.

3. I have a home, forever free

From toil, and care, and misery,

Where stormy seas can never roll,

Where bliss eternal crowns the soul.

4. I have a home—how sweet to know

’Tis well secured from every foe—

Where peace and joy do reign supreme,

Where love shall be my only theme.

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