Cântăre His Loving ThoughtVizualizări: 155
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:12:50 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3894-his-loving-thought]His Loving Thought[/url]
1. When Jesus hung on Calvary,
He thought of you and me;
’Twas love that held Him there to be
A sacrifice for you, for me.
R: He thought of you, He thought of me,
While hanging there in agony;
Oh! wonder-love to you and me!
It broke His heart on Calvary.
2. He wore a crown on Calvary,
He thought of you and me;
He knew His thorny crown would be
A diadem for you, for me.
3. On that dread cross of Calvary
He thought of you and me;
He thought not of His agony;
His heart went out to you, to me.
4. At last He cried on Calvary,
He thought of you and me;
“ ’Tis finished for eternity!”
Oh! blessed cry for you, for me.
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meniu primAi milă de mine, Dumnezeule, ai milă de mine! Căci în Tine mi se încrede sufletul; la umbra aripilor Tale caut un loc de scăpare, până vor trece nenorocirile. ( Psalmii 57:1 )