Cântăre Hide MeVizualizări: 136
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:12:50 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3900-hide-me]Hide Me[/url]
1. Keep me as the apple of Thine eye,
Joyful in the glory pardon brings;
Help me, Lord, to trust Thee, though I die,
Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings.
R: Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings,
Hide me till this stormy life is o’er;
Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings,
Hide me, Savior, hide me evermore.
2. Keep me as the apple of Thine eye,
Unto Thee by faith my spirit clings;
Help me at Thy feet to passive lie,
Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings.
3. Keep me as the apple of Thine eye,
From the awful blight of sinful things;
Firmly on Thy promise I rely,
Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings.
4. Keep me as the apple of Thine eye,
While my faith in full assurance sings;
Victory as upward I shall fly,
Covered with the shadow of Thy wings.
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meniu primCând te simți singur și părăsit, când lucrurile nu îți merg așa cum ai vrea, când ai probleme și necazuri, atunci Dumnezeu te iubește cel mai mult, și toate necazurile vor lucra spre binele tău.