Cântăre Heavenly Chorus
Vizualizări: 123
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3937-heavenly-chorus]Heavenly Chorus[/url]
1. Listen to the heav’nly music
Made by those who never tire,
Wondrous song that has no ending,
Sung by all the angel choir.
R: They are singing, ever singing,
Over on the other shore;
Soon we’ll join them in the chorus,
When this fleeting life is o’er.
2. Soon we’ll join the choir of glory,
Soon we’ll greet those gone before;
Yes, we’ll meet departed loved ones,
Meet where parting is no more.
3. There we’ll sing, our sorrow over,
On that fair and happy shore,
Where the wicked cease from troubling,
And the weary sigh no more.
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meniu primEl, de bună voia Lui, ne-a născut prin Cuvântul adevărului, ca să fim un fel de pârgă a făpturilor Lui. ( Iacov 1:18 )