Cântăre Go Forth, the Lord Is with Thee

Scrisa de: +Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 143
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3965-go-forth-the-lord-is-with-thee]Go Forth, the Lord Is with Thee[/url]

1. Go forth and tell the whole wide world,

With a purpose true and brave,

The truth, and nothing but the truth,

And Jesus’ pow’r to save.

R: Go forth, the Lord is with thee,

His arms are underneath thee;

Fear not, for He’ll protect thee,

Go forth in Jesus’ name.

2. Go forth and tell the whole wide world,

With a heart that will not quail,

Though men and demons gather ’round,

Thy efforts to assail.

3. Go forth and tell the whole wide world,

With a soul that knows no fear,

A message that will bless and burn,

Destroy and build and cheer.

4. Go forth and tell the whole wide world,

With a love that’s broad and deep,

The truth, and nothing but the truth,

And Christ thy soul will keep.

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