Cântăre God Is Calling Thee
Vizualizări: 124
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3978-god-is-calling-thee]God Is Calling Thee[/url]
1. Is God calling thee, O guilty sinner?—
Satan has long on thee imposed—
Or has the Spirit gone forever?
Is thy heart’s door against Him closed.
R: Come, sinner, God is calling thee;
Come, sinner, God is calling thee;
He is pleading, interceding;
Come, God is calling thee.
2. Is God calling thee? Wilt thou not hear Him?
Sinner, He’s pleading now for thee;
In pity His Spirit draws thee near Him,
Mercy and love are shown so free.
3. Is God calling thee in great compassion?
Then let thy heart this Christ receive;
He died on the cross to seal thy pardon;
How canst thou thus His Spirit grieve?
4. Is God calling thee? Then wait no longer;
Canst thou His pleading voice despise?
If thou wilt obey, ’twill make thee stronger—
From sin and guilt thou canst arise.
5. Yes, God’s calling me, and shall I slight Him?
With this vain world for aye be lost?
For His greater love I’ll not betray Him,
No, I’ll be His at any cost.
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meniu primBinecuvântat să fie Dumnezeu, Tatăl Domnului nostru Isus Hristos, Părintele îndurărilor şi Dumnezeul oricărei mângâieri.