Cântăre From Time to Eternity

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3994-from-time-to-eternity]From Time to Eternity[/url]

1. Time onward flows like a river vast,

While age on age it has borne to the sea;

And down this stream we have come at last,

To see time end in eternity.

R: Eternity! Eternity!

Will you dwell with Christ in eternity?

2. What is this life but a fleeting day?

Soon death will come with a stern decree;

Then one by one we must pass away,

And change from time to eternity.

3. A dial true is the Book divine,

Its hands approach with a certainty

The tolling point in the death of time,

The solemn change to eternity.

4. Oh, joyful day to the faithful soul

Who walks with Christ in His purity!

Life’s battle fought and the vict’ry won,

He shouts from time to eternity.

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Nu toate florile frumoase au şi miros plăcut, când ai de unde să culegi, alege numai acele care posedă şi una şi alta! (Goethe)