Cântăre Fill Me with Thy SpiritVizualizări: 173
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:13:18 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/4006-fill-me-with-thy-spirit]Fill Me with Thy Spirit[/url]
1. Fill me with Thy Spirit, Lord,
Fully save my longing soul;
Through the precious, cleansing blood
Purify and make me whole.
R: Come, O Spirit, seal me Thine,
Come, Thy fullness now bestow;
Let Thy glory in me shine,
Make me whiter than the snow.
2. Fill me with Thy holy light,
I would have a single eye;
Make me perfect in Thy sight,
’Tis Thy will to sanctify.
3. Fill me with Thy perfect love,
Naught of self would I retain;
Losing all Thy love to prove,
Lord, I count a happy gain.
4. Fill me with Thy mighty pow’r,
Father, Son, and Spirit, come;
In my soul the unction pour,
Make me ever all Thine own.
5. Fill me with Thy presence now,
Lord, Thyself in me reveal;
At Thy feet I humbly bow
To receive the holy seal.
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meniu primIar tu, om al lui Dumnezeu, fugi de aceste lucruri, și caută neprihănirea, evlavia, credința, dragostea, răbdarea, blândețea. ( 1 Timotei 6:11 )