Cântăre Echoes from Heaven

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 119
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/4026-echoes-from-heaven]Echoes from Heaven[/url]

1. Far away among the angels,

In the sweet celestial bow’rs,

Start the songs whose echoes gladden

As they greet this world of ours.

R: Hear the echoes filled with glory,

From the bright angelic throng;

Oh, the pure seraphic music

Finds an echo in our song,

While it gently rolls along.

2. How they stir the soul with rapture!

How they thrill the chords of love!

How they wake the songs of praises,

Floating up to worlds above!

3. Far away in worlds of glory,

We can hear the music sweet,

Where the streams of life are flowing

All along the golden street.

4. Far away in fields of glory

We shall meet, and God adore;

And the sweet redemption story

We shall sing forevermore.

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meniu prim
Nu te teme de nimic, căci Eu te izbăvesc, te chem pe nume- ești al Meu! Dacă vei trece prin ape, Eu voi fi cu tine și râurile nu te vor îneca; dacă vei merge prin foc, nu te va arde, și flacăra nu te va prinde. ( Isaia 43: 1, 2 )