Cântăre Grace Came to Earth
Vizualizări: 119
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/501-grace-came-to-earth]Grace Came to Earth[/url]
Who is this child resting in His mother’s arms?
Emmanuel, Prince of Peace
Who is this child sent to be the perfect lamb?
The Word of God, Son of Man
The night that Grace came to earth
The night my Savior King was born in Bethlehem
His first breath was a promise to the world
That Grace had come unto the earth
With joy the angels sing, My Savior and my King
Would one day rule all the world
What power in His hands, the Savior of all man
Come and worship the King!
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meniu primCăci cine iubește viața, și vrea să vadă zile bune, să-și înfrâneze limba de la rău, și buzele de la cuvinte înșelătoare. ( 1 Petru 3:10 )