Cântăre Come while he is callingVizualizări: 134
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:18:45 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5222-come-while-he-is-calling]Come while he is calling[/url]
1. If, dear sinner, you are longing
All those sinful chains to break,
And relieve your soul from anguish,
Which no human form can take,
Then decide this very moment,
That from bondage you’ll be free;
Heed, oh, heed His wooing Spirit,
Come and He will pardon thee.
* Refrain:
Then, oh, come while He is calling,
Lay your burden at His feet;
He will take away all anguish,
If His promise you will meet.
2. Oh, dear sinner, do not tarry,
When your soul in peril lies,
Though your sins be great like mountains,
Tow’ring upward to the skies;
For, from every one He’ll free you,
And a refuge He will be;
He’s the blessed Rock of Ages
That was cleft for you and me.
3. Turn, dear sinner, from the evils
That have laden down your heart,
And have made your home unhappy—
’Tis the demon’s fiery dart;
Turn, oh, turn to Christ, our Savior,
And for Him yield fruits of love,
Which will prove to all a blessing,
And will crown your soul above.
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meniu primToată Scriptura este insuflată de Dumnezeu și de folos ca să învețe, să mustre, să îndrepte, să dea înțelepciune în neprihănire. ( 2 Timotei 3:16 )