Cântăre A song of praise
Vizualizări: 142
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5298-a-song-of-praise]A song of praise[/url]
1. Let the gates of praise be open,
Sounding forth the joy within;
Shout and sing, the Lord hath spoken—
For He saves and keeps from sin.
R: Praise Him in the sanctuary,
Praise Him in our song and prayer;
Praise Him, day and night adore Him,
Praise Him, praise Him everywhere.
2. When our hearts are full of gladness,
Which we joyfully proclaim,
How it cheers the sad and lonely!
How it magnifies His name!
3. Praise Him when the heart is heavy
For His children near or far;
Joyfully we’ll bear their burden
To our God who answers prayer.
4. When the clouds above us hover,
And the hosts of hell are near,
Shout His praises, hallelujah!
Christ will make them disappear.
5. Praise Him for the love He’s given,
Praise Him while He lendeth breath;
Praise Him round the throne in heaven,
Praise Him through the vale of death.
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