Cântăre Alone with Jesus (naylor)
Vizualizări: 131
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5323-alone-with-jesus-naylor]Alone with Jesus (naylor)[/url]
1. Alone with Jesus, oh, how sweet
The seasons spent low at His feet
In humble, fervent, secret prayer!
My soul would e’er be feasting there.
R: All alone with my Lord,
We converse as loving friends;
There I drink with my Savior,
Of the joy that never ends.
2. Alone with Jesus, sweetest place,
So hallowed by His richest grace;
Where heaven seems all round about,
And every earthly thing shut out.
3. Alone with Him, ’tis there I gain
The grace in heav’nly place to reign;
’Tis there I gain the strength to live;
’Tis there the Lord delights to give.
4. Alone with Him, I find sweet rest
From all my troubles, on His breast;
I cast on Him my every care,
And find sweet peace and comfort there.
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meniu primÎn mintea mea e iarnă, dar în sufletul meu e o primăvară permanentă! ( Victor Hugo )