Cântăre After death the judgment

Scrisa de: +Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5341-after-death-the-judgment]After death the judgment[/url]

1. Stop, sinner, on your sinful way,

And heed the warning voice today;

Oh, come to Jesus while you may,

For after death the judgment.

R: After death the judgment,

After death the judgment;

After death the judgment,

Oh, will you be prepared?

2. Oh, reason, sinner, will it pay

To cast your only hope away,

And on in sinful darkness stray,

When after death the judgment?

3. Oh, think, what will the profit be,

If you should all earth’s pleasures see,

And lose your soul eternally,

When Jesus comes in judgment.

4. The end of time draws on apace,

And your poor soul, devoid of grace,

The awful wrath of God must face,

When Jesus comes in judgment.

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meniu prim
Nu te teme de nimic, căci Eu te izbăvesc, te chem pe nume- ești al Meu! Dacă vei trece prin ape, Eu voi fi cu tine și râurile nu te vor îneca; dacă vei merge prin foc, nu te va arde, și flacăra nu te va prinde. ( Isaia 43: 1, 2 )