Cântăre You (1)
Vizualizări: 150
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5475-you-1]You (1)[/url]
There's always something
in the way
There's always something
getting through
but it's not me
it's You, it's You
sometimes ignorance
rings true
but hope is not in
what i know
it's not in me..me
it's in You, it's in You
it's all i know
it's all i know
it's all i know
i find peace when
i'm confused
i find hope when
i'm let down
not in me ... me
in You
it's in you
i hope to lose myself
for good
i hope to find it in the end
not in me ... me
in You
in You
in You
it's all i know
it's all i know
it's all i know
in You
in You
its in You
its in You
there's always something in the way
there's always something getting through
but it's not me
it's You
it's You
it's You ....
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