Cântăre Worship the lord (in his presence)
Vizualizări: 127
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6215-worship-the-lord-in-his-presence]Worship the lord (in his presence)[/url]
Worship the Lord,
In His presence we stand.
He cares for you,
And He understands.
Come Holy Spirit,
Reaching us now.
Grace, joy, and peace,
Love abound.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord.
Worthy, Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb.
Faithful, Faithful, Faithful is the Lord.
Mighty, Mighty, Mighty is the Lord.
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meniu primNu toate florile frumoase au şi miros plăcut, când ai de unde să culegi, alege numai acele care posedă şi una şi alta! (Goethe)