Cântăre We shall go up with joy
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Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6251-we-shall-go-up-with-joy]We shall go up with joy[/url]
I rejoiced when I heard them say
Let us go to God's house
And now our feet are standing
Within your gates, Jerusalem.
For the peace of Jerusalem pray
Peace be to your homes
May peace reign in your walls
In your palaces, peace.
For the love of my brethen and friends
I say peace to you
For love of the house of the Lord
I will ask for your good.
All praise to the Father and Son
To the Holy Spirit
Who was, who is, is now
And shall be for ever more.
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meniu primFiți împlinitori ai Cuvântului, nu numai ascultători, înșelându-vă singuri. ( Iacov 1:22 )