Cântăre The bread that were offering
Vizualizări: 144
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6403-the-bread-that-were-offering]The bread that were offering[/url]
The bread that we're offering
The cup filled with wine
Are going to be changed to
His body and blood
He told us to do this in memory of Him
It was at the last Supper
The day before He died.
That day in Jerusalem
On a hill above the city
Our beautiful Saviour
Was hanged on the cross
He died for a reason
He died 'cause He loved us
To free us from darkness
And lead us to heaven
Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primFerice de cei flămânzi și însetați după neprihănire, căci ei vnr fi săturaţi!