Cântăre Song for the nationsVizualizări: 140
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:23:54 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6426-song-for-the-nations]Song for the nations[/url]
May we be a shining light to the nations,
A shining light to the people of the earth;
Til the whole world sees the glory of
Your name.
May Your pure light shine through us.
May we bring a word of hope to the
A word of life to the peoples of the earth;
Til The whole world knows there's
salvation through Your name.
May Your mercy flow through us.
May we be a healing balm to the nations,
A healing balm to the peoples of the
Til the whole world knows the power of
Your name.
May Your healing flow through us.
May we sing a song of joy to the nations
A song of praise to the peoples of the
Til the whole world rings with the praises
of Your name.
May Your song be sung through us.
May Your kingdom come to the nations,
Your will be done to the peoples of the
Til the whole world knows that Jesus
Christ is Lord.
May Your kingdom come in us,
May Your kingdom come in us
May your kingdom come on earth.
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meniu primMărturisiți-vă unii altora păcatele, și rugați-vă unii pentru alții, ca să fiți vindecați. Mare putere are rugăciunea fierbinte a celui neprihănit. ( Iacov 5:16 )