Cântăre May blessings be yoursVizualizări: 154
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:24:19 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6534-may-blessings-be-yours]May blessings be yours[/url]
May Blessings be Yours
May blessings be yours in the morning
May gladness be yours in the night
May the breezes but gently caress you
And the sun give you softly its light.
In stress and in doubt and in danger
True courage and faith may you know
And the Home Lights of God be your
Wherever you stay or you go.
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meniu primCând în inima ta locuieşte Isus, eşti la iubire predispus, când în inima ta locuieşte al tău eu, atunci te răzvrăteşti mereu, împotriva Lui Dumnezeu.