Cântăre I want to serve the purposes of godVizualizări: 152
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:24:55 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6679-i-want-to-serve-the-purposes-of-god]I want to serve the purposes of god[/url]
I Want To Serve the Purposes of God
I want to serve the purpose of God in my
I want to serve the purpose of God while
I am alive.
I want to give my life for something
that'll last forever,
Oh, I delight, I delight to do Your will.
What is on your heart? Show me what to
Let me know your will and I will follow
you. ___Repeat.
I want to build with silver and gold in my
I want to build with silver and gold while
I am alive.
I want to give my life for something
that'll last forever,
Oh, I delight, I delight to do Your will.
I want to see the kingdom of God in my
I want to see the kingdom of God while I
am still alive.
I want to give my life for something
that'll last forever,
Oh, I delight, I delight to do Your will.
I want to see the Lord come again in my
I want to see the Lord come again while
I am alive.
I want to give my life for something
that'll last forever,
Oh, I delight, I delight to do Your will.
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meniu primDeci, ca unii care, prin ascultarea de adevăr, v-ați curățat prin Duhul, ca să aveți o dragoste de frați neprefăcută, iubiți-vă cu căldură unii pe alții, din toată inima. ( 1 Petru 1:22 )