
Cântăre Sent by the father

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 141
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6829-sent-by-the-father]Sent by the father[/url]

One more time you’ve heard the story

Of our Savior’s birth

Heard how few beheld His glory

When He came to earth

Oh but soon every eye shall see Him

Angels at His side

See Him now on a great white stallion

In the eastern sky


Sent by the Father

Jesus go and call my children

A trumpet sounds and the angels sing

Like never before

With shepherds and wise men

We humbly bow

And every tongue confess that He is Lord

When He comes in all His glory

Comes to claim His own

We won’t need a star to guide us

We’ll be going home

Once a baby in a manger

No room at the inn

Now a king who reigns forever

Over death and sin

CHORUS (repeat 2X)
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