Cântăre Fighting soldiers of the lordVizualizări: 147
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:25:59 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6889-fighting-soldiers-of-the-lord]Fighting soldiers of the lord[/url]
Fighting Soldiers of the Lord
Fighting soldiers of the Lord
We will fight to spread his word
We're men who mean just what we say
Journeying on the rough highway.
We are pledged to be steadfast
Stand together to the last
We are brothers side by side
Thrown into life's surging tide.
In Christ's strength we stand alone
For we dare not trust our own
But the strife will not be long
Till we sing our victory song.
We are soldiers of the Cross
And we must not suffer loss
But His army He shall lead
For He is our Lord indeed.
Onward then, young people all
Blend with ours your triumph call
Join in this, our happy throng
As we sing our victory song.
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meniu primReligia curată și neîntinată înaintea lui Dumnezeu, Tatăl nostru, este să cercetăm pe orfani și pe văduve în necazurile lor, și să ne păzim neîntinați de lume. ( Iacov 1:27 )