Cântăre Amazing loveVizualizări: 142
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:26:24 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/6993-amazing-love]Amazing love[/url]
Amazing Love
My Lord what love is this?
That paid so dearly
That I, the guilty one, may go free.
Amazing love, oh what sacrifice
The Son of God, given for me
My dept He paid, and my death He died
That I, might live.
And so, they watched Him die
Despised and rejected
But oh, the blood He shed, flowed for me
And now, this love of Christ
Will flow, like rivers
Come wash, your guilt away,
And live again.
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meniu primHotărârea, dreptatea, exemplul şi sinceritatea alcătuiesc ceea ce noi numim caracter. El este temelia demnităţii personale. (La Rochefoucauld)