Cântăre Of light and shade
Vizualizări: 143
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7210-of-light-and-shade]Of light and shade[/url]
Indifference surrounds me
yet my heart is secure
The shadows grow stronger
yet my spirit is protected
Observing the extreme absurdities
Still my heart can't be moved
I can rest in the loser's haunt
For the Victorious has filled the void inside
I can wander by the source of hell
for the Lord of all lives in me
In these circumstances I dwell
Thank God, In Him I am not a part of this
My inspiration, Giver of Life
I want to shine, radiate Your presence
I want to show them the warmth of truth
that You showed me
So they can understand
Who You are and why I worship You
Even if my life should end
In the valley of the shadows
My spirit will exist in a new dimension
Forever with Him, my Father
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