BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7224-god-so-loved-the-world]God so loved [the world][/url]
"'God So Loved' is one of the biggest anthems with the most simple message. It’s this song that defines the album to me. The message is one that everyone knows - John 3:16, 'For God so loved the world.' The cool thing is, it talks about the verse from the Bible, 'God so loved,' in a song and then in the chorus it has that anthem, the actual verse, so that anyone can sing and feel right through the song." -- Jaci Velasquez
Ba ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba,
Ba ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba,
God so loved the world
That He gave His one and only Son,
That whosoever believes in Him
Will not perish but have everlasting life.
I try so hard to find the words to say,
To let you know how great is this God to whom I pray.
Nothing can or ever will compare
To the peace that flows in your soul when He is living there.
Oh, I know you've been through so much,
It's hard to contemplate letting go and reaching out in trust.
meniu prim Ai milă de mine, Dumnezeule, ai milă de mine! Căci în Tine mi se încrede sufletul; la umbra aripilor Tale caut un loc de scăpare, până vor trece nenorocirile. ( Psalmii 57:1 )