Cântăre Live for the lord top

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 156
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7315-live-for-the-lord-top]Live for the lord top[/url]

We live in a time

When people are blind

They're not lovers of truth

They'll only believe

What they touch and see

And then think I'm a fool

My God is love

He also is holy

And in him I'll trust

C: I'll live for the Lord

Die for him more

He is the love of a lifetime

I'll pick up my cross

And not count the cost

I'm gonna live for the Lord

Some watch the stars

Some run after gods

And they'll follow with pride

Sincere, but confused

Despising his views

And deciding what's right

God has a plan

And his ways are perfect

And all for our good

He is divine

So, I never lose hope

He has a destiny planned

For my soul

I'll stand tall

And give all

And live in the light of his love

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meniu prim
Preaiubiților, vă sfătuiesc ca pe niște străini și călători, să vă feriți de poftele firii pământești, care se războiesc cu sufletul. ( 1 Petru 2:11 )