Cântăre Live for the lord topVizualizări: 147
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:27:52 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7315-live-for-the-lord-top]Live for the lord top[/url]
We live in a time
When people are blind
They're not lovers of truth
They'll only believe
What they touch and see
And then think I'm a fool
My God is love
He also is holy
And in him I'll trust
C: I'll live for the Lord
Die for him more
He is the love of a lifetime
I'll pick up my cross
And not count the cost
I'm gonna live for the Lord
Some watch the stars
Some run after gods
And they'll follow with pride
Sincere, but confused
Despising his views
And deciding what's right
God has a plan
And his ways are perfect
And all for our good
He is divine
So, I never lose hope
He has a destiny planned
For my soul
I'll stand tall
And give all
And live in the light of his love
Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primDacă crede cineva că este religios și nu-și înfrânează limba, ci își înșală astfel inima, religia unui astfel de om este zadarnică. ( Iacov 1:26 )