Cântăre Great and mighty
Vizualizări: 167
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7363-great-and-mighty]Great and mighty[/url]
I stand in this place and lift
Up my eyes to see
The glory of Your face
My God, how wonderful You are
How beautiful Your Name
It calms the raging seas
With open arms I run into your courts
I'll dance before You King of all the earth
You're great, great and mighty
King of glory, God of wonder
You're great, Ancient of Days
Keeper of my heart, lover of my soul
You are great and mighty
You are great and mighty
You are great and mighty
You are great
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meniu primFiți împlinitori ai Cuvântului, nu numai ascultători, înșelându-vă singuri. ( Iacov 1:22 )