Cântăre Reflector
Vizualizări: 172
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7384-reflector]Reflector[/url]
Since i've found your love
I've never needed anything to fill my heart
Even when i fall
You're always there with open arms to pick me up
From the start i knew
No one else could make me feel the way you do
Everyday i want to grow
Just a little bit closer, just a little bit closer
I want to be a reflector
I want to shine with your glory
I want to let the whole world know that you're
Living in me
I want to burn with your fire
Shine my light a little brighter
I want to let the whole world know that
Jesus Lives in me
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Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primEl, de bună voia Lui, ne-a născut prin Cuvântul adevărului, ca să fim un fel de pârgă a făpturilor Lui. ( Iacov 1:18 )