Cântăre Wonderful God
Vizualizări: 163
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7413-wonderful-god]Wonderful God[/url]
Beautiful is Your creation
You're glorious in every way
You surround us with
Your faithful love
And we can trust in all You say
Wonderful God
Wonderful O God
You are worthy of all glory
All honour and praise
All to You our God
Forever and always
You are worthy of our worship
And worthy of our love
We stand in awe of
All You are
You are love
You are life
You are all glorious
You are love
You are life
You are all glorious
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meniu primPe calea credinței, pașii noștri seamănă cu pașii vechilor peregrini pe vremuri, adică doi pași înainte și unul înapoi.