Cântăre Closer
Vizualizări: 163
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7431-closer]Closer[/url]
I'm not satisfied in this lifetime
I'm following you to the other side
There's nothing that can change my mind
You're all I need
You're the only tie that binds my heart
Away from you I'm falling apart
We need to be closer than we are
You're all I need
So what can I do to get closer?
I know there is more my heart can bear
I give you control 'cause I need you
To take me there
Like a bird flying southI'm seeking you out
And there's no rope that can tie me down
I'm running home, I'm a slave set free
You're all I need
I am waiting
Draw me closer
I am waiting
Make me stronger
Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primLa început era Cuvântul, și Cuvântul era cu Dumnezeu, și Cuvântul era Dumnezeu.