Cântăre You know betterVizualizări: 171
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:28:29 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7452-you-know-better]You know better[/url]
You Know Better
I saw you staring out your window
Watchin' the people passing by
Taking some notes on what you saw out there
So you would know how hard you need to try
I heard you asking lots of questions
How in comparison you stand
Please let me warn you to be very careful
God wants our best and not our better than
But you know better, better than that
You know better than, better than that
You should know better, truth is the only measure
You know better than, better than that
Now just in case I've got you thinkin'
And if your're feeling like I do
Maybe it's time we open up the Holy Bible
And see exactly what He's called us to
He said the least would be the greatest
The greatest is the one who serves
We must be living by a different standard
A life that isn't graded on a curve
Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primMărturisiți-vă unii altora păcatele, și rugați-vă unii pentru alții, ca să fiți vindecați. Mare putere are rugăciunea fierbinte a celui neprihănit. ( Iacov 5:16 )