Cântăre Giver of life
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Giver Of Life
David Byerley
Duet with Sandi Patty
He is the giver of life to all men
All good and perfect gifts come from Him
He is more than a conqueror
For all the world to see
Jesus has given life to me
More than all the wealth that I could know
And more than all the love
That you and I could ever show
More faithful than the burning sun
That rises every day
Jesus, is the truth, the life, the way
Not behind a wall of glass or stone
And unlike other kings who have their throne
With every passing moment
He is there to hear my cry
And this river of life will never run dry
He is the giver of life to all men
All good and perfect gifts come from Him
He is more than a conqueror
For all the world to see
Jesus has given life to me
He has bore more pain than I could bear
Crucified, but then He rose from the grave
Salvation to share
His blood covers scars of wounds
That I will never feel
And this risen Savior, has the power to heal
He is the giver of life to all men
All good and perfect gifts come from Him
He is more than a conqueror
For all the world to see
Jesus, My Savior
Counselor, Provider
He's wonderful, so marvelous
Jesus, has given life to me, to me!
©1998 Lifting Music (ASCAP)
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