Cântăre Here come the big guitarsVizualizări: 145
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:29:14 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7628-here-come-the-big-guitars]Here come the big guitars[/url]
Here Come The Big Guitars
Here they come!
Here come the big guitars!
Here they come just rockin' down the street
Stompin' and struttin' in a furious heat
Their hearts a poundin' to the big, big beat
Ya can't complain and ya can't compete
Here come the big guitars!
They got thunder under their heels
They got lightnin' beneath their wheels
Up from the world that rocks and reels
Well it's go for the glory and you make no deals
Here come the big guitars!
You can't resist that look in their eyes
Can't you hear them high notes scrapin' the sky
Here they come
Here they come
Here they come
Here they come
Here come the big guitars!
Written by Randy Stonehill and Dave Perkins
© 1986 Stonehillian Music/Word Music (a div. of Word, Inc.)/
Undone Tunes (ASCAP)
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