Cântăre Song for sarah
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Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7633-song-for-sarah]Song for sarah[/url]
Randy Stonehill
Sarah can I love you will you open up the
door / I know you've heard that misused
word a lot of times before / But I think that
you need someone who can firmly take
your hand / And love you in a way that you
can really understand
Sarah will you love me you've got so much
there to give / We've waited for so long to
change the lonely way we live / And I see
the fragile lady that you hide behind your
eyes / And I want so much to reach you
when I hear those distant cries
Sarah Someone loves you in a way I never
could / He laid His life before you on a
cross made out of wood / Oh and in His
hour of anguish our dreams were given
birth / I hope you finally realize how much
your love is worth
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meniu primNu toate florile frumoase au şi miros plăcut, când ai de unde să culegi, alege numai acele care posedă şi una şi alta! (Goethe)