Cântăre In jesus nameVizualizări: 148
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:29:19 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7650-in-jesus-name]In jesus name[/url]
In Jesus' Name
By R. Stonehill & P. Madiera
In Jesus' Name
Some have built their glass cathedrals
In His name
Others sacrificed their lives
Some may say
Too few of us obey
In this work we're meant to do
To live a life that's true
Still I see that shining light
Like a flame against the dark
It's the holy love of God
Burning in our hearts
And this lost and lonely world
Will never be the same
Because of what we do
In Jesus' Name
In Jesus' Name
Some have fought for foolish causes
In His name
Others trust the power of peace
If only He
Was all the world could see
They would clamor at our door
Find the life they hunger for
Mercy is the miracle by which we stand
Mercy that comes pouring down through nail-
scarred hands
Mercy pouring down through nail-scarred hands
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meniu primDoamne, către Tine strig. Stânca mea! Nu rămâne surd la glasul meu, ca nu cumva, dacă Te vei depărta fără să-mi răspunzi, să ajung ca cei ce se pogoară în groapă. ( Psalmii 28:1 )