Cântăre The human race

Scrisa de: +Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 144
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7815-the-human-race]The human race[/url]

The Human Race

In a world of winners and losers,

Some are userd, some are the users;

It’s a push and shove race

Of trying to get ahead.

In the dust of all the confusion

We make a choice, Truth or illusion;

Will we listen to lies,

Or hear what the Father says.


We are running in a human race,

Where nobody wants to settle for second place;

But we’ve got to run it at a different pace,

‘Cause the first will be last and the last will be first

At the end of the human race.

In a day when values are changing,

What kind of ground are we really gaining;

Who are we trying to serve by going the extra mile.

We can’t trade the Truth for the fashion;

We’ve got to live a life of compassion,

And those we touch are the prize

That waits at the finish line.


We are running in the human race;

We must run it at a different pace,

‘Cause we’ll all meet the Father face to face

At the finish line of the human race. (2x)


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