
Cântăre Out of this world

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 172
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7894-out-of-this-world]Out of this world[/url]

Take stock of your life

What’s wrong and what’s right

Empty pockets, got no green

Don’t you know sunshine is free

What breaks have you had

Some good and some bad

Wanna go but got no car

Dreaming dreams can take you far


You will find that life’s worth living

In this world, it’s out of this world

With a little love and a little giving

In this world, it’s out of this world

Look ot the future

Who’s in the picture

Say your love life’s just a dream

Still you’ve got a friend in me

Today, tomorrow

Laughter and sorrow

Gonna be some lows and highs

Might as well enjoy the ride

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