Cântăre Signs of lifeVizualizări: 164
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:30:21 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7910-signs-of-life]Signs of life[/url]
Come in based I've landed my ship on a planet here in space
This is the one they say is inhabited by the human race
And I'm going out to look around and see what's here
And i'll tell you what I find
Confimation on the inhabitants they're running everywhere
And their technology is beyond what I've seen anywhere
But I'm trying to communicate and they don't hear me
It seems like for all I'm finding
I can't find the most important thing
Where are the signs, where are the signs of life
The love that proves there is a beating hear inside
Where are the signs, where are the signs of life
The compassion and concern that makes this world turn
Where are the signs of life
Now, I've got crayons rolling around in the floorboard of my car
Bicycles all over my driveway, bats and balls all over my yard
And thers'a plastic man from outer space sitting in my chair
The signs of life are everywhere
But I've got questions rolling around in the corner of my mind
If it's true I live in a world where hope has all but died
And if I really have a living love alive in me
How am I letting it be known, how am I letting it be seen
There are the signs, these are the signs of life
The love that proves there is a living faith inside
These are the signs, these are the signs of life
The compassion and concern that make this world turn
These are the signs of life
Signs of life
These are the signs, these are the signs of life
The love that proves there is a living faith inside
These are the signs, these are the signs of life
The compassion and concern
That's gonna make this world keep turning
These are the signs of life
A love that's flowing from the heart
Where the grace of God has left it's mark
These are the signs of life
The reaching out of a servant's hand
The giving that makes no demands
These are the signs of life
This is loving proof of the faith inside
These are the signs of life
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meniu primCăci ochii Domnului sunt peste cei neprihăniți, și urechile Lui iau aminte la rugăciunile lor. Dar fața Domnului este împotriva celor ce fac răul. ( 1 Petru 3:12 )