Cântăre The love of christVizualizări: 164
Scrisa: marți, 30 octombrie 2012 la 22:32:50 BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8512-the-love-of-christ]The love of christ[/url]
How long (how long)
How wide (how wide)
Is the love of Christ
How deep (how deep)
How high (how high)
Is the love of Christ
It would take ten thousand lifetimes
To comprehend, a love with
no beginning
A love that knows no end
More than any heart could measure
or ever hold
His love could fill the oceans
'Til they overflowed
Higher than the mountains
Deeper than the ocean
Farther than the reach of the sky
Wider than the heavens
Longer than forever
Greater is the love of Christ
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meniu primDumnezeu vrea ca inima ta sa Îi aparţină Lui fiecare oră din zi, fiecare zi din săptămână, fiecare săptămână din lună, fiecare lună din an, fiecare an din viaţa ta !