Cântăre La la la
Vizualizări: 162
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8526-la-la-la]La la la[/url]
If a picture's worth a thousand words
What are they?
And since You're spirit intercedes for me
What do you hear when I pray?
'Cause I'm finding it hard to find the word
to let you know how my heart can hurt
so I'll sing the tune
and let you fill in the words
La La La
La La La
La La La...
It's comforting to know
My words aren't all You hear
I can talk to You with laughter
And I can talk to you in tears
And I don't have to know just what to say
For You to hear me when I pray
So I'll sing a part and let you read my heart
(Repeat Chorus)
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meniu primFerește-te de basmele lumeși și băbești. Caută să fii evlavios. ( 1 Timotei 4:7 )