Cântăre By heart
Vizualizări: 166
Scrisa: BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8547-by-heart]By heart[/url]
Your shining light
Has changed my life
It's like I've found my way home
I know You're near
Hear you loud and clear
I could live on this feeling alone
Everywhere I go You are right there beside
Anytime of night or day
Your name is on my lips
Your love I can't resist
Got to be with You wherever You are
I want You memorized
So when I close my eyes
All I have to do, is keep loving you
By heart
I don't have to see
See You to believe
That You're not going away
I know You'll be
Watching over me
You're the shelter that's keeping me safe
I know your arms they can reach out to hold me
Even when I'm feeling alone
(comes naturally)
Like every breath I breath
(don't have to think)
It's second nature to me
I close my eyes
And You are there with me
You know me
You see me
You hear me
You heal me
Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Nu a fost comentată încă!
meniu primDacă răbdăm, vom și împărăți împreună cu El. Dacă ne lepădăm de El, și El se va lepăda de noi!